How To Prepare Your Questions For An Akashic Reading
Your Akashic Record is the record of your soul’s journey through the universe and
can only be opened with your permission. When your Akashic Record is opened in a
reading, only the information that you are prepared to receive comes forward. This
information can be very specific or more general in nature.
Your Akashic Record Reading is based on the questions you ask, and what your soul
is wanting to bring forward. Your questions can be specific or general and on almost any
topic including life purpose, career, health, relationships, or finances.
The questions can range from the mundane to the spiritual; all are valid and appropriate if
they are important to you.
The best types of questions to ask in your Akashic Records reading are questions that start
with why, how, or what. Or any question that can be expanded on. The reason is that you
will get a much richer answer with these types of questions than by asking simple yes or no
questions. The only real limit is a topic that would come from someone else’s records. For
example, you can ask about the purpose of your relationship with a particular friend/partner,
but not about that friend’s/partner’s individual life purpose.
In order to access your Akashic Records, we will use your full birth name. Our time together
will start with me reciting a short, sacred prayer. This raises the vibration and allows me to
access your Akashic Record. Next, I’ll ask you to tell me what’s going on for you right now,
basically what is the thing that led you to reach out. In this part of the session, don’t hold
back. The more sincere and specific you are, the better. Remember, we are working to move
you towards joy by uncovering soul level truths.
As you are talking, I’ll be receiving information from your Ascended Masters,Teachers
(including your spirit guides), Record Keepers, and Loved Ones directly from your Akashic
Record. I’ll go deeper and pass along what is going on from the perspective of your soul. My
clients often report that this helps them see the “big picture.”
This is not a psychic reading; meaning it is not meant to predict the future, because I firmly
believe in free will and our future is subject to change based on our daily choices.
Also, I won't answer questions around diagnosing health issues or death, because for that
there are doctors and nature itself providing this information.
Your reading is based on the questions you ask and the issues you bring up. Find your
questions by thinking about what is going on in your life and asking yourself questions like
this: What would you like clarified? What would you like to explore? Where do you need
closure? Where do you feel fear or pain?
Questions can be worded very specifically or generally. “I have a problem with xyz and
want to know more” is enough of a question. And if you are confused because there
seems so much, don’t worry. We can sort through the confusion in the reading. Questions
are the beginning. Questions connect through curiosity to the possibility of shift and
understanding. Once I hear your story, I will intuitively recognise what your soul needs, and I
will be able to guide you in the right direction. We will analyse together the situation and
decide which could be the best question.
In the Akashic Records, your questions guide your Reading. In your Reading, the opinion of
the Reader has no place because it’s your Reading!
Sometimes though you don’t know exactly what questions to ask.
Here are some examples of questions people have asked:
Why can’t I mend my relationship with my father?
What can I do about my current financial situation?
Why do I have fear about my intuitive gifts?
What can I do to help unlock my creativity?
If you feel that everything is already good around you:
What are my next steps? How do I expand myself?
How can I improve my sense of connection with myself?
You are thinking about moving to a place:
Why do I feel like moving?
What holds me where I am?
What do I need to release to move into a new place (literal or metaphorical)?
What have I released and why could I do this for myself?
What possibilities are opening up for me?
What am I scared of?
What creates fear that I am not aware of?
Where am I stuck in the relationship?
What do I need to let go of?
How can I let go of the things that bother me in the relationship? What is keeping my
attention from what I want?
Where do I need to turn my attention?
What do I offer and receive in this relationship?
What is the dynamic of our relationship?
How do we support each other in growth both in the relationship and individually?
What do I offer and receive within this partnership?
What can I understand, shift or release to improve this relationship?
What trauma, pain, fear or anger keeps me from awareness of wholeness, balance and clear
What happened that I don’t remember these parts of my life?
What will bring back my memory?
What is holding me back and how can I release it?
Why do I have this fear? What can I do to release it?
What can I do to release this feeling in my heart?
What stands between me and my feelings?
What can I do to release it?
Soul Possibilities:
What am I here to do?
What is my passion?
What is my life’s current purpose?
How can I move toward achieving this purpose?
Why do I not experience joy in my work?
How do I hold my relationship with my boss?
What do I expect from my boss?
How do I compare myself to them?
What do I need to understand about my relationship with them?
Why do I need my boss’s approval? Who else do I need approval from?
What do I fear about my job?
The consultation is not intended to replace medical, psychological, or legal advice. It is
intended to help you on your healing journey by helping you discover, understand, clear or
learn to work through blockages and issues in your life that are causing you stress and
discord, or helping you to awaken to and learn to live your soul's purpose with an opportunity
to receive messages of inspiration.